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“Fusion is Needed Now. What is a credible and realistic plan to deliver? (and not just promise)”, Presentation at The Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Remote), December 3, 2024. [PDF]

“Aggressive Fusion Nuclear Technology R&D is the key to a credible, attractive, realistic plan for fusion development “, Presentation at The International Workshop on Liquid Metal Components in Nuclear Fusion, Innovation Harbor Campus at Xi’an Jiaotang University, Xi’an, China, August 16-19, 2024. [PDF]


“A new strategic plan to accelerate fusion energy development is urgently needed. The plan must be credible, attractive and realistic.”, Keynote Presentation at Fusion Power Associates Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Remote), December 20, 2023. [PDF]


“Recent DT Cycle Studies Confirm yet again: A Fusion Nuclear Science & Technology Facility is necessary to have credible, practical, and fast pathway to fusion energy”, Keynote Presentation at Fusion Power Associates Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 7-8, 2022. [PDF]

“Challenges in the DT Cycle Physics and Technology: T Self Sufficiency and start-up tritium inventories and major impact on defining the R&D pathways to DEMO and beyond”, Invited Lecture at MaPLE-U Inauguration, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 14, 2022. [PDF]

“Challenges for Nuclear Fusion Science and Technology”, Invited Lecture at CIMTEC-22: Materials Forum- Materials Challenges for Sustainable Fission and Fusion Technologies, Perugia, Italy, June 24-29, 2022. [PDF]


“Physics and technology considerations for the D-T fuel cycle and conditions for tritium fuel self-sufficiency”, Virtual Seminar at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, April 28, 2021. [PDF]


“Lessons Learned from 40 Years of Fusion Science and Technology Research”, The 41st Fusion Power Associates Virtual Meeting, December 16-17, 2020. [PDF]

“Challenges and Strategy for Development of FNST: Blanket/FW & Tritium Fuel Cycle & Materials”, Presented to Prof. Bo Sun Kang, Program Manager at the National Research Foundation of S. Korea, January 27, 2020. [PDF][PPT]


“Lessons Learned from 40 Years of Fusion Science and Technology Research”, Keynote Presentation at International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungary, September 22-27, 2019. [PDF]

“Examples of Scientific Discoveries and the Role of International Collaboration from Fusion Energy R&D”, Presentation at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China, May 24, 2019. [PDF]


“Primary Considerations for Strategy and Design of Base and Test Blankets/FW in Fusion Engineering Test Facility”, Presentation at CFETR Annual Meeting, Leshan, China, November 27-30, 2018. [PDF]

“Experiments and Facilities to Explore Multiple Effects in Liquid Metal Blankets in the US/UCLA-EUROfusion Collaboration”, Presentation at the 5th IAEA DEMO Workshop, Daejeon, S. Korea, May 10, 2018. [PDF]

“On the Pathway to DEMO:Challenges and Strategy for Development of FNST: Blanket/FW & Tritium Fuel Cycle”, Presentation at Seminar at the National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, S. Korea, May 8, 2018. [PDF]

“Challenges and Strategy for Development of FNST: Blanket/FW & Tritium Fuel Cycle”, Presentation at NAS Committee for a Strategic Plan for U.S. Burning Plasma Research, La Jolla, California, February 26, 2018. [PDF]


“R&D challenges in FNST for which we need a credible strategy and implementation plan NOW”, Presentation at FPA: The 38thAnnual Meeting and Symposium, Washington, DC, December 6-7, 2017. [PDF]

“Environmentally Responsible Energy Security Future Requires Diversified Portfolio Approach”, Keynote Presentation at 2nd International Workshop on Mechanics of Energy Materials (IWMEM), Suzhou, China, November 9, 2017. [PDF]

“Fusion: The Ultimate Energy Source for the 21st Century and Beyond” Lecture at Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, September 29, 2017. [PDF]

“Tritium Fuel Cycle, Tritium Inventories, and Physics and Technology R & D Challenges for: 1) Enabling the startup of DEMO and future Power Plants AND 2) Attaining Tritium Self-sufficiency in Fusion Reactors”, Keynote Presentation at International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-13), Kyoto, Japan, September 25-29, 2017. [PDF]

“Examples of Advances on Key Issues of Fusion Nuclear Technology”, Plenary Presentation at International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES), Hefei, China, April 25, 2017. [PDF]

“Diversified Portfolio Approach to Solving the World’s Energy and Environment Problems”, Seminar at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 21, 2017. [PDF]


“Technologies Needed for Fusion DEMO and the Role of International Collaboration”, Invited Presentation at Fusion Power Associates Meeting (FPA), Washington DC, December 13-14, 2016. [PDF]

“Overview of the Tritium Fuel Cycle and Conditions for Tritium Fuel Self- Sufficiency and Other Tritium Issues”, Invited Panel Presentation at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 15-18, 2016. [PDF]

“A Diversified Portfolio Approach to Solving the World’s Energy and Environment Problems”, Seminar at the Business School of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, September 28, 2016. [PDF]

“Role of Multiple Effects in Fusion Nuclear Technology R & D”, Plenary Presentation at The International Conference of Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER), Hefei, China, September 21, 2016. [PDF]

“The Role of Multiple Effects/Interactions in a Science Based Blanket/FW R&D pathway”, Invited Presentations at the DOE-OFES Fusion Materials Program workshop, ORNL, Oakridge, Tennessee, July 25-26, 2016. [PDF]

“Role and Challenges of Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) toward DEMO”, Invited Panel Presentation at the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2016), Beijing, China, April 7, 2016. [PDF]

“Multiple Effects/ Multiple Interactions and the Need for Fusion Nuclear Science Facility prior to construction of DEMO: Issues, Role, Design Features, and R&D requirements”, Seminar at the Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), Chengdu, China, April 5, 2016. [PDF]

“Multiple Effects/ Multiple Interactions and the Need for Fusion Nuclear Science Facility prior to construction of DEMO: Issues, Role, Design Features, and R&D requirements”, Seminar at National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Toki City, Japan, March 14, 2016. [PDF]


“Challenges and Pathways for Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology toward DEMO”, Lecture at the Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), Chengdu, China, October 23, 2015. [PDF]

“The Road to Environmentally Responsible Energy Security”, Keynote Lecture at the Global Forum for Energy, Environment and Commercial Civilization (GFEECC), Sichuan, China, October 22, 2015. [PDF]

“Challenges and Pathways for Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology toward DEMO”, Keynote Presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-12), Jeju, Korea, September 14, 2015. [PDF]

“Recent research on the DCLL and PbLi based blanket concepts”, Presentation at FESS-FNSF, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, February 17-19,2015. [PDF]


“An integrated program strategy of modelling and experiments in laboratory facilities and in a DT Fusion Nuclear Science Facility to develop Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials for DEMO”, Invited Phoenix Lecture Hall Seminar at Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Hefei, China, December 19, 2014. [PDF]

“The Importance of a Diversified Portfolio Approach to Solving the World’s Energy and Environment Problems “, Keynote Lecture at the 5th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, November 1, 2014. [PDF]

“Blanket/First Wall Challenges and Required R&D on the pathway to DEMO”, Seminar at the National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, Korea, September 3, 2014. [PDF]

“Scientific Framework for Advancing Blanket/FW/Tritium Fuel Cycle Systems towards FNSF & DEMO Readiness”, presented to the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) Strategic Planning Panel, Gaithersburg, MD, June 3, 2014. [PDF]

Lectures in China, April 2014:
– “Blanket/First Wall Challenges and Required R&D on the pathway to DEMO – for the near-term (next 3-7 years) and medium-term (7-15 years)”, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Hefei, April 21, 2014. [PDF]
– “Impact of Multiple Effects/Multiple Interactions in fusion nuclear components on required near- and medium-term R&D on the pathway to DEMO”, Academy of Sciences Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP), Hefei, April 25, 2014. [PDF]
– “Blanket/First Wall Challenges and Required R&D on the pathway to DEMO – for the near-term in laboratory experiments and medium-term in FNSF/CFETR”, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), Chengdu, April 28, 2014. [PDF]


“CREATING a Star on Earth – Fusion: The Ultimate Energy Source for Humanity”, Guest Lecture to Prof. Maha Ashour-Abdalla Class (Physics M122 and Engineering M185), UCLA, November 21, 2013. [PDF]

“Blanket/First Wall Challenges and Required R&D on the Pathway to DEMO”, Invited Paper Presentation at the 11th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-11), Barcelona, Spain, September 17, 2013. [PDF]

“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Challenges and Required R&D”, Colloquium at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Albuquerque, NM, April 18, 2013. [PDF]


“Quick overview of current activities in fusion technology, ITER, and test blanket”, Lecture at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Shanghai, China, December 17, 2012. [PDF]

“Summary of Topic-1: Fusion Power Extraction and Tritium Fuel Cycle”, presented at the 1st IAEA DEMO Programme Workshop, UCLA, October 15-18, 2012. [PDF]

“Next Steps for Realizing Fusion Power and Comparative Analysis of Roadmaps of World Major Fusion Programs”, Invited Talk at the 20th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE), Nashville, TN, August 29, 2012. [PDF]

Lectures in India, February 2012:
– “Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials R&D Challenges and Facilities Required for Fusion DEMO”, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, February 17, 2012. [PDF]
– “Blanket, Divertor, and Materials Design Concepts, Technical Issues and Development Facilities”, Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, February 21, 2012. [PDF]
– “Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Strategic Issues, Challenges, and Facilities on the Pathway to Fusion DEMO”, Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, February 22, 2012. [PDF]
“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Strategic Issues, Challenges, and Facilities on the Pathway to Fusion DEMO”, presented at the IAEA Consultancy Meeting on strategic issues and milestones on the way to a demonstration fusion power plant, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, January 9-11, 2012. [PDF]


“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Challenges and Facilities on the Pathway to Fusion Energy”, Remarks at the FPA Meeting, Washington DC, December 14-15, 2011. [PDF]

“Issues, Facilities, and Development Strategy for Fusion Nuclear Science and Materials”, Lecture at University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), Beijing, China, November 10, 2011. [PDF]

“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Challenges and Facilities on the Pathway to DEMO”, presented at the International Workshop on MFE Roadmapping in the ITER Era, Princeton, NJ, September 7-10, 2011. [PDF]

“Blanket Technology, Fuel Cycle and Tritium Self Sufficiency”, presented for the JASON Study on Tritium Production in Fusion, San Diego, CA, June 27-28, 2011. [PDF]

Talks at the National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, Korea, May 24-25, 2011:
– “Understanding the World’s Energy and Environmental Problems and a Diversified Portfolio Approach for solving them” [PDF]
– “Pathway to DEMO and Next Step Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF)”, at the NFRI-Korea DEMO Workshop [PDF]
“Understanding the World’s Energy and Environmental Problems and a Diversified Portfolio Approach for solving them”, Keynote Lecture at the International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAAE ’11), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 17-19, 2011. [PDF]

Lectures in China, April 2011:
– “Next Step Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) and Pathway to DEMO”, Institute of Plasma Phyiscs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei, April 11, 2011. [PDF]
– “The World Energy situation and the Role of Renewable Energy Sources and Advanced Nuclear Technologies in Solving the Energy and Environmental Problems”, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, April 15, 2011. [PDF]
– “Fast Introduction to Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Blankets, PFC, Materials, Neutronics, MHD, Thermofluids, and Thermomechanics”, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, April 20, 2011. [PDF]
– “Next Step Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) and Pathway to DEMO”, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), Chengdu, April 25, 2011. [PDF]


“Remarks on Linking Education, R&D Institutes and Industry”, presented at TWAS-ARO Meeting, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, December 22, 2010. [PDF]

“The World Energy situation and the Role of Renewable Energy Sources and Advanced Nuclear Technologies in Solving the Energy and Environmental Problems”, presented at a Seminar at the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Alexandria, Egypt, December 21, 2010. [PDF]

“Need for Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Program”, Remarks at the FPA Meeting, Washington DC, December 1-2, 2010. [PDF]

“The World Energy situation and the Role of Renewable Energy Sources and Advanced Nuclear Technologies, fission and fusion, in Solving the Energy and Environmental Problems”, Keynote Lecture at the Conference on Alternative and Renewable Sources of Energy, Beirut, Lebanon, November 25-26, 2010. [PDF]

“Overview of US Liquid Metal Blanket R&D Activities”, presented at the International Workshop on Liquid Metal Breeder Blankets (IEA), Madrid, Spain, September 23-24, 2010. [PDF]

“Scientific and Engineering Challenges and New Strategy for Development of Practical Fusion Energy”, Keynote Lecture at the 2nd GCOE International Symposium, Kyoto University Global Center of Excellence of Energy Science, Kyoto, Japan, August 19-20, 2010. [PDF]

Presentations at the FNST/PFC/Materials/FNSF Meeting, UCLA, August 2-6, 2010:
– Opening Remarks for the Meeting [PDF]
– “US TBM Activities Update: Quick Background & Recent Activities” [PDF]
– “Prior FNST Studies and Perspective on FNST Pathway” [PDF]
“Challenges and Pathways to Practical Fusion Energy”, Keynote Lecture at the Second International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER), Ankara, Turkey, July 5, 2010.

2010 Einstein Professorship Lectures in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China, May-June 2010:
– “CREATING a Star on Earth – Fusion: The Ultimate Energy Source for Humanity”, Graduate University of CAS, Beijing, China, May 27, 2010.
– “Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Issues and R&D”, Chengdu, China, May 31, 2010.
– “Introduction and Recent Progress in Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology”, Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei, June 3, 2010.


“Perspective on Fusion Energy”, presented at TWAS-ARO Meeting, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, December 21-22, 2009. [PDF]

“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST)”, Remarks at the FPA Meeting, Washington DC, December 3, 2009. [PDF]

“Challenges and Development Pathways for Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology”, Seminar at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, November 25, 2009. [PDF]

Presentations at the 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-9), Dalian, China, October 11-16, 2009:
– “Opening Remarks for ISFNT-9” [PDF]
– “Perspective on Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Issues and Development”, Keynote Lecture [PDF]
– “Summary of FNST Survey: Thoughts of the Community on progress, concerns, and next steps in FNST”, Keynote Talk [PDF]

“Perspective on Fusion Research, Development Pathways, and Applications”, Plenary Lecture at the 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM 2009), Xi’an, China, September 23, 2009. [PPT]

Presentations at the FNST Meeting, UCLA, August 18-20, 2009:
– “Introduction and Goals of the FNST Meeting” [PPT]
– “US TBM Activities and Collaboration Discussion” [PPT]
– “Summary Slides on FNST Top-level Technical Issues and on FNSF objectives, requirements and R&D” [PPT]
– “Tritium Self Sufficiency” [PPT]

“Realization of Fusion as the Ultimate Energy Source for Humanity”, Invited Keynote Lecture in ExHFT-7: 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Krakow, Poland, June 28-July 3, 2009. [PPT]

“Perspective on Magnetic Fusion Energy Research, Development, and Magneto Sciences Applications”, Invited Lecture at the 30th Anniversary EPM-Madylam Seminar: “Future Prospective in Magneto Sciences Applications to Energy and Materials”, Grenoble, France, March 25-27, 2009. [PPT]


“Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology Development and the Roles of ITER and the Next Step Fusion Nuclear Facility, FNF (CTF/VNS)”, Plenary Talk at the 18th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE), San Francisco, CA, September 30, 2008. [PPT]

“The Path Toward Magnetic Fusion Energy Demonstration and the Role of ITER”, Opening Invited Lecture at the 7th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Presqu’ile de Giens, France, September 8-12, 2008. [PPT]

Presentations at the FNST Meeting, UCLA, August 12-14, 2008:
– “Introduction and Objectives of the FNST Meeting” [PPT]
– “Brief Status of ITER TBM” [PPT]
– “FNST Issues, Development, and Role of Next Step Fusion Nuclear Facility FNF (VNS/CTF/FDF, etc.) and ITER TBM” [PPT] (Backup Slides [PPT])


“What is Fusion and Why We Need It and Introduction to ITER”, Lecture 1 at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, August 2007. [PPT]

“Introduction to Fusion Nuclear Technology and Blanket Concepts”, Lecture 2 at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, August 2007. [PPT]

“Overview of Fusion, ITER, and Fusion Nuclear Technology”, Lecture at the Symposium “Towards a Mexican Fusion Programme”, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, June 21-22, 2007. [PowerPoint]

“Blanket Concepts and Issues”, Lecture at the Symposium “Towards a Mexican Fusion Programme”, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, June 21-22, 2007. [PowerPoint]

“Overview of Principles and Challenges of Fusion Nuclear Technology”, Plenary Keynote Lecture at ICENES 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, June 4, 2007. [PowerPoint]

“Fusion Nuclear Technology Development and the Role of CTF (and ITER TBM)”, presented at Workshop on CTF, Culham, United Kingdom, May 22-23, 2007. [PowerPoint]

“Fusion Nuclear Technology: Principles and Challenges”, Seminar at Grenoble, France, March 23, 2007. [PowerPoint]

“US ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program: US Participation in ITER TBM is essential for a credible US fusion energy program strategy”, presented to the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1-2, 2007. [PowerPoint]

Lectures in IPR, India, January 2007:
– Lecture 1: “Overview of the Principles and Challenges of Fusion Nuclear Technology” [PDF] [PPT]
– Lecture 2: “Solid Breeder Blanket Concepts” [PDF] [PPT]
– Lecture 3: “Liquid Breeder Blanket Concepts And Overview of the Dual-Coolant Lead-Lithium Blanket Concept (DCLL)” [PDF] [PPT]
– Lecture 4: “Introduction to MHD and Applications to Thermofluids of Fusion Blankets” [PDF] [PPT]
– Lecture 5: “Neutronics, Fuel Cycle, and Tritium Fuel Self-Sufficiency” [PDF] [PPT]
– Lecture 6: “Radiation Shielding and Reactor System Design” [PDF]


“Overview of UCLA Research Activities on Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology”, a briefing to Professor Osamu Motojima and the Visiting Japanese Delegation from NIFS and MEXT, at the Signing Ceremony for the Agreement on Scientific Exchange and Cooperation between Japan (NIFS) and UCLA (HSSEAS and CESTAR), November 28, 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Center for Energy Science and Technology Advanced Research (CESTAR)”, presented to Professor Osamu Motojima and the Visiting Japanese Delegation from NIFS and MEXT, November 28, 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Overview of the US ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Technical Plan”, presented at 17th ANS TOFE, Albuquerque, NM, November 15, 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Overview of Fusion Technology”, Seminar at Xi’an Jiaotong University, May 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Fusion Technology and ITER”, Seminar at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, May 2006. [PowerPoint]

“CESTAR Briefing / Report on ITER, TBM, and UCLA New Fusion Initiative”, presented at the CESTAR Meeting, UCLA, 28 Apr 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Highlights of US ITER TBM Technical Plan and Cost Estimates”, presented at the TBWG-17 Meeting, Cadarache, France, 4–6 April 2006. [PowerPoint]

“UCLA-NFRC Collaboration”, presented on the visit of Drs. Kwon and Cho of the Korea National Fusion Research Center, 27 Mar 2006. [PowerPoint]

“VLT Research Highlights: ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM)”, presented on the VLT Conference Call, 18 Jan 2006. [PowerPoint]

“Recent Advances in Fusion: The Energy Source for the XXI Century”, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications (ICTEA’06), al `Ain, United Arab Emirates, 3 Jan 2006. [PowerPoint]


“Introductory Remarks and Meeting Goals”, presented at the ITER-TBM Costing Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 12 December 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Material Challenges for ITER-TBM: Introductory Remarks”, presented at the 12th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-12), Santa Barbara, CA, 8 December 2005. [PowerPoint]

“U.S. Presentation in TBWG-16”, presented at the 16th ITER Test Blanket Working Group Meeting, Beijing, China, November 15–17, 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Center for Energy Science and Technology Advanced Research (CESTAR)”, presented to the UCLA HSSEAS Industrial Advisory Council, Los Angeles, 26 October 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Plasma Chamber”, presented at the VLT Meeting, Washington DC, 25 August 2005. [PowerPoint]

“ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM): Current U.S. Designs, Plans, Issues, and Material R&D Needs”, presented at the MASCO meeting, Washington DC, 23–24 August 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Overview and Meeting Objectives”, presented at the US ITER-TBM meeting at INL, Idaho Falls, ID, 10–12 Aug 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Overview Remarks”, presented on the US ITER-TBM Conference Call of 23 June 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Remarks on US Costing Activities for the ITER-TBM”, presented on the US ITER-TBM Conference Call of 23 June 2005. [PowerPoint]

“Fusion Nuclear Technology: Grand Challenges with Exciting Opportunities for Young Researchers”, keynote remarks presented at the 7th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-7), Tokyo, Japan, 22-29 May 2005. [Powerpoint]

“Fusion: The Energy Source for the XXI Century”, keynote remarks presented at the 9th Int’l Cairo Conference on Energy and Environment, 13-17 March 2005. [Powerpoint]

“Fusion: Basic Principles, Current Progress and ITER Plans”, plenary talk presented at the 9th Int’l Cairo Conference on Energy and Environment, 13-17 March 2005. [Powerpoint]

“Fusion Science and Technology”, presented at the KAIST/UCLA Joint Workshop, January 13-14, 2005. [Powerpoint]


“ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) and ITER Nuclear Science and Engineering”, presented at the VLT/USIPO meeting, PPPL, Princeton NJ, 20-21 October 2004. [Powerpoint]

“Status of US ITER Neutronics Activities”, presented at the ITER Neutronics Meeting, Venice, Italy, 24 Sep 2004. [Powerpoint Long Version or Powerpoint Short Version]

“US Plans and Strategy for ITER Blanket Testing”, ANS Topical Mtg on Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) Madison, WI, 14-16 September 2004. [PowerPoint]

“ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program”, briefing to DOE/OFES and ITER project management, 9 September 2004. [PowerPoint]

“Material Issues for the US ITER-TBM Program”, Fusion Materials Strategic Planning Meeting, UC Berkeley, CA, 24-25 August 2004. [Powerpoint]

“FESAC Priorities Panel Meeting Presentation”, FESAC Priorities Panel Meeting, Gaithersburg, 26 July 2004. [PowerPoint]

“Overview of US and UCLA Plasma Chamber Systems Program (and UCLA work under PFC)”, briefing to Gene Nardella, DOE/OFES, Washington, D.C, 21 July 2004. [PowerPoint]

“TBWG-13 Meeting Presentation”, TBWG-13, Garching, Germany, July 2004. [PowerPoint]

“Overview of Principles, Concepts, and Key Issues of Fusion Nuclear Technology”, KAERI/KBSI, Korea, April 2004. [Presentation]

“Overview of Fusion Nuclear Technology”, KAIF/KNS, Seoul, Korea, April 27, 2004. [Presentation]

“Plasma Chamber Systems”, General Atomics, San Diego, March 2, 2004. [Presentation]

“Introductory Remarks on ITER TBM Activities and Proposed US Plans”, UCLA, February 23, 2004. [Presentation]


“Suggested US Plans and Strategy for ITER Test Blanket”, UCLA, November 4, 2003. [Presentation]

“Introductory Remarks to APEX/TBM Meeting”, UCLA, November 3, 2003.[Presentation]

“Report on TBWG Meeting”, UCLA, November 3, 2003.[Presentation]

“Comments on Feasible Testing Program and Potential Limits of ITER Parameters for TBM Testing”, Garching, Germany, October 22, 2003. [Presentation]

“US Breeding Blanket Activities and Plans for Participating in ITER Blanket Test Program”, Garching, Germany, October 22, 2003. [Presentation]

“Briefing to Materials Community on ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM)”, August 11, 2003. [Presentation]

“Fusion Nuclear Technology Development and the Role of CTF toward DEMO”, Presentation at Joint European Tour (JET), July 14, 2003. [Presentation] [Appendix]

“ITER Test Blanket Module and the Need for Coordination “, Jupiter II Special Meeting at UCLA, June 10, 2003. [Presentation]

“Briefing to DOE Office of Science on Fusion Chamber Technology”, Washington D.C., June 3, 2003. [Presentation]

“US Participation in the ITER Test Blanket Module Program”, US ITER Forum, Adelphi, MD, May 8, 2003. [Presentation]

“Notes for Informal Discussion with Senior Fusion Leaders in Japan (JAERI and Japanese Universities”, March 24, 2003. [Presentation]

“Chamber Technology (CT), Why Now?”, VLT-PAC Meeting, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, February 25, 2003. [Presentation]

“Examples of Past (since the 1970’s) and Recent Achievements by the Chamber Technology Program and their Tremendous Impact on Plasma Physics Research, on other Fusion Technology Programs, and on Fusion Energy Development”, VLT-PAC Meeting, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, February 25, 2003. [Presentation]

“Fusion Nuclear Technology Development and the Role of CTF toward DEMO”, Seminar at MIT, Cambridge, MA, February 12, 2003. [Presentation, Appendix]


“Fusion Nuclear Technology Development and the Role of CTF toward DEMO”, Seminar at General Atomics, San Diego, CA, December 9, 2002. [Presentation, Appendix]

“On Fusion Nuclear Technology Development Requirements and the Role of CTF toward DEMO”, FESAC Development Path Panel Meeting, LLNL, Livermore, CA, October 28, 2002. [Presentation, Appendix]

US Fusion Materials Sciences Program Strategic Planning Meeting, UCSB (Santa Barbara, CA), August 27, 2002. [Presentation, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C]

“Reflections on Fusion Chamber Technology and SiC/SiC Applications”, CREST (International Symposium on SiC/SiC Composite Materials R&D and its Application to Advanced Energy Systems), Kyoto, Japan, May 20-22, 2002. [Presentation]

“Recent Advances in Chamber Science and Technology”, ISFNT-6 (6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology), San Diego, CA, April 8, 2002. [Presentation: pp. 1-15, pp. 16-30, pp. 31-45, or Full Paper in one file (7MB)]

“VLT-PAC Briefing on Chamber Technology, FY 02/03/04”, Virtual Laboratory for Technology, San Diego, CA, February 12, 2002. [Presentation, Budget Tables, Chamber Highlights for DC]


“Introductory Remarks and Highlights of FY02 Plan”, APEX-17 Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, November 7-9, 2001.

“21st Century Frontiers — Moving Beyond Prediction to Control. Free Surface, Turbulence, and Magnetohydrodynamics: Interactions and Effects on Flow Control and Interfacial Transport”, Inertial Fusion Sciences Applications Meeting (IFSA), Kyoto, Japan, September 10-14, 2001.

Overview of US Chamber Technology“, US-Japan Workshop on Blanket/Chamber Technology, Tokyo, Japan, May 17, 2001.

Research on Liquid Walls for Fusion Systems“, ISEM-10 (10th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics), Tokyo, Japan, May 13-16, 2001.

“21st Century Frontiers — Moving Beyond Prediction to Control. Free Surface, Turbulence, and Magnetohydrodynamics: Interactions and Effects on Flow Control and Interfacial Transport”, FSIP-1 (First International Symposium on Free Surface Flow and Interfacial Transport Phenomena), Yugawara, Atami, Japan, May 10-11, 2001. [Presentation: pp. 1-15, pp. 16-30, pp. 31-45, pp. 46-56, or full paper in one file (18MB)]

U.S. Chamber Technology Peer Review, “MFE Chamber Overview”, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, April 26, 2001. [Overview: pp. 1-15, pp. 16-30, pp. 31-45, pp. 46-60, pp. 61-72, or full paper in one file (17MB); Appendix, Budget Tables, Summary]

“Moving Beyond Prediction to Control. Free Surface, Turbulence, and Magnetohydrodynamics: Interactions and Effects on Flow Control and Interfacial Transport”, Seminar on Science in Fusion’s Enabling R&D Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Gaithersburg, MD, March 13, 2001. [Presentation: pp. 1-10, pp. 11-20, pp. 21-30, pp. 31-37, or Full paper in one file (15MB)]


JUPITER-II: Thermofluids and Thermomechanics Tasks and Facilities“, VLT-PAC Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, December 4, 2000.

Fusion Science and Technology Research Program at UCLA (VLT Programs)“, VLT-PAC Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, December 4, 2000.

APEX Status and Future Directions: Introductory Remarks“, APEX-13 Meeting, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, November 14-17, 2000.

Brief Remarks on Status and Progress: Fusion Technology/Chamber Technology“, Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 17, 2000.

Overview of APEX“, Seminar presented at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, June 27, 2000.

UCLA Experimental Plans and Capabilities in Thermofluids Research“, Japan Monbusho-US DOE Collaboration Project, Washington DC, June 1-2, 2000.

Fundamental Thermofluid Experiments & Modeling“, Japan Monbusho-US DOE Collaboration Project, Washington DC, June 1-2, 2000.

Detailed Information on Proposal for UNICEX-Hi: Thermal-Mechanical Interactions for the SiC/SiC-Pebble Breeder / Be / He System“, US Monbusho Collaboration, Washington DC, June 1-2, 2000.

“Introductory Remarks and Key Technical and Management Questions”, APEX-11 Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, May 10-12, 2000. [Presentation, FY00 APEX Reference Document]

“Fusion Technologies”, US DOE Budget Meeting, Germantown, MD, April 4, 2000. [Presentation, CT Budget Tables, FT Budget Tables]

Fundamental Thermofluid Experiments and Modeling: Subtask 3-1 of the US-Monbusho Collaboration Proposal“, US-Monbusho Collaboration Meeting, Makuhari, Japan, February 22-25, 2000.

“Brief Overview of APEX”, APEX/HPD Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, February 21-23, 2000. [Presentation, APEX Reference Document]

Liquid Walls: Innovative Concepts for First Walls and Blankets“, 10 International Toki Conference, Toki, Japan, January 18-21, 2000.


Remarks on Liquid Wall Research“, presented at the Fusion Science Assessment Committee Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 17, 1999.

APEX: Meeting Objective, Study Issues, and FY 2000 Plans,” APEX-8 Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 8-11, 1999.

Personal Thoughts on Power Density“, APEX-8 Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 8-11, 1999.

Liquid Walls: Innovative High Power Density Concepts“, ISFNT-5 (5th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology), Rome, Italy, September 24, 1999.

Merits and Issues for Liquid Wall Concepts based on the APEX Study“, Fusion Summer Study, Snowmass, CO, July 1999.

Snowmass: Fusion Technology Working Group Summary“, Fusion Summer Study, Snowmass, CO, July 23, 1999.

Thermofluid (MHD) Modeling and Experiments for Free Surface Flows with Emphasis on Flibe: Ideas for US-Japan Monbusho Collaboration“, Sendai, Japan, June 8-10, 1999.

APEX Overview: Part 1. Opportunities and Challenges in Free Surface Liquid Wall Research“, APEX-7 Meeting, PPPL, Princeton, NJ, May 12-14, 1999.

Plasma Chamber and APEX Budget Plans for FY 2000 (and FY 2001)“, OFES/VLT Budget Planning Meeting, US Department of Energy, Germantown, MD, April 6, 1999.

IFE Chamber Research Program Overview“, IFE Chamber Technology Planning Meeting, Pleasanton, CA, March 18-19, 1999.

Status of APEX: Introductory Remarks to the APEX-6 Meeting“, APEX-6 Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 16-19, 1999.

Overview of Advanced Fusion Science and Technology Program at UCLA“, presentation to Dr. Anne Davies (Director OFES), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 26, 1999.

Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, Marina Del Rey, CA, January 26, 1999. [Presentation]


Advanced Technology Briefing to VLT/PAC“, VLT/PAC Meeting, UCSD, San Diego, CA, December 10, 1998.

APEX Status: Introductory Remarks“, APEX-5 Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, November 2-4, 1998.

“Advanced Technology: Status of White Paper”, VLT-PAC Meeting, Germantown, MD, June 24, 1998.

Technology Considerations in Major Next-Step Fusion Experiments“, Forum for Major Next-Step Fusion Experiments”, Madison, WI, April 27- May 1, 1998.

Remarks on Nuclear Testing“, SWG Briefing/ISCUS Meeting, General Atomics, San Diego, March 18, 1998.

A Perspective on Design and Material Issues for Fusion Systems“, FESAC Materials Panel Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 3, 1998.


US Test Blanket Program“, US ITER Home Team Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 5-6, 1997.

Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Blanket Particle Bed Materials: Numerical Derivation“, ICFRM-8 (8 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials), Sendai, Japan, October 26-31, 1997.

Summary Remarks and Main Action Items in Response to the First APEX Project Meeting“, APEX-1 Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, October 17, 1997.

Motivation, Scope and Preliminary Approach for APEX“, APEX-1 Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, October 15, 1997.

An Almost Exclusive Focus on Low Activation Issues may be Leading us toward a Non-Competitive, Unattractive System“, Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, Aspen, CO, August 27-29, 1997.

Remarks on ‘Do Fusion Power Plants Really Require Low Activation Materials?‘”, Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, Aspen, CO, August 27-29, 1997.

“Role and Application of Plasma-Based Neutron Sources”, EPTR-6 (6th All-Russian Conference on Engineering Problems of Thermonuclear Reactors), St Petersburg, Russia, May 28, 1997.

ITER Test Program“, US Home Team Meeting, ITER Project Office, San Diego, April 29-30, 1997.

Report on Executive Summary for ITER DDD’s“, TBWG-4, JAERI Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan, April 15, 1997.

Fusion R&D Strategy from a Technology Viewpoint“, ISFNT-4 (4th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology), Tokyo, Japan, April 7, 1997.

Fusion Science and Technology“, MAE Dept Industrial Affiliates Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 14, 1997.

Brief Comments on ITER“, FESAC ITER Review Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 22, 1997.


Vision and Requirements for VNS“, International Workshop on Volumetric Neutron Sources, LLNL, Livermore, CA, November 18-19, 1996.

ITER Test Program“, US Home Team Meeting, ITER Project Office, San Diego, CA, November 13-14, 1996.

Introductory Remarks on UCLA Research Activities for IFE“, presented to Dr. Mark Wilson (OFES), Los Angeles, CA, October 30-31, 1996.

Partnership Session: Introductory Remarks on the Environmental Business Sector in Egypt“, US-Egyptian Workshop on Environmental Technologies, Alexandria, Egypt, September 8-11, 1996.

Technology and Power Plant Issues for Inertial Fusion“, FESAC Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, July 17, 1996.

Summary Notes presented to Dr. Anne Davies“, April 30, 1996.

Science and Technology of Inertial and Magnetic Fusion Energy“, MAE Industrial Affiliates Meeting, UCLA, February 23, 1996.

Nuclear Testing Mission in ITER- R&D Cost Estimates and Program Details for the ITER Blanket Test Program“, 29 ISCUS Meeting, Austin, TX, February 1-2, 1996.

ITER Test Program“, TBWG Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 17-19, 1996.


“Comments on Fusion Issues and Strategy from an Engineering, Technology, and System Perspective”, FEAC Strategy Panel Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 17-19, 1995.

Comments to FEAC“, FEAC Meeting, December 7, 1995.

ITER Test Program“, ITER US Home Team Project Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 14, 1995.

UCLA Activities on Blanket R&D“, IPFR Annual Guest Lecturer Series, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, October 9-10- 1995.

ITER Test Program“, US Home Team Meeting, Madison, WI, August 15, 1995.

UCLA Proposed Work for IFE Development“, IFE Technology Meeting, Livermore, CA, July 27-28, 1995.

UCLA Activities and Proposed Work on the IFE Development Plan“, IFE Technology Meeting, Livermore, CA, July 27-28, 1995.

“US Strategy for Blanket Testing in ITER, and Requirements on ITER Design/Operation”, TBWG Meeting, Garching, Germany, July 19-21, 1995.

US DEMO Blanket R&D: Status and Prospects“, ITER Test Program Working Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, July 19-21, 1995.

“ITER Test Program Progress Report”, ITER US Home Team Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 8, 1995.


Initial Report of ISCUS Subgroup on Nuclear Testing in ITER“, ISCUS Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 17, 1994.

ITER Test Program Progress Report and Status“, ITER US Home Team Meeting, November 2-3, 1994

USA Progress Report on Tasks for IEA Study on High-Volume Plasma-Based Neutron Source (VNS)“, IEA-VNS Meeting, Paris, France, October 3-5, 1994.

Requirements and Design Envelope for VNS: A Volumentric Neutron Source Fusion Facility to Test, Develop, and Qualify Fusion Nuclear Technology Components for DEMO“, IAEA 15 International Conference no Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Seville, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1994.

Port 6 and other Tests for PFC in ITER“, TPWG Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 29-30, 1994.

ITER Test Program Agenda, Current Issues that Require Resolution, and Agreement on Approach“, TPWG Meeting, Karlsruhe, August 29-30, 1994.

“Progress Report on ITER Test Program”, ITER Home Team Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 5, 1994.

“ITER Test Program and US Blanket R&D”, ISCUS Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 3, 1994.

VNS: A Volumetric Neutron Source for Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing and Development“, ISFNT-3, Los Angeles, CA, June 26-July 1, 1994.

International Workshop on Ceramic Breeder Blanket Interactions“, Los Angeles, CA, June 22-24, 1994.

“Testing Requirements on Pulsed Operation (and Brief Comments on Proposed Safety Credit)”, ITER JCT Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 7, 1994.

(Business) Status of ITER Test Program“, ITER Management Meeting, Boston, MA, May 11, 1994.

ITER Test Program“, US Home Team Meeting, Boston, MA, May 11, 1994.

Background Information on VNS, based on VENUS (US) Study“, 1 IEA-HVPNS Meeting, Garching, Germany, April 28, 1994.

Outline of Suggested Approach and Technical Tasks to the IEA HVPNS Study“, 1 IEA-HVPNS Meeting, Garching, Germany, April 28, 1994.

USA Progress Report on ITER Test Program“, ITER Meeting, April 25-29, 1994.

U.S. Summary Reports on the Status and Progress of Neutronics Task ID# T16“, Working Group Technical Meeting in Support of ITER Neutronics R&D Tasks, Garching, Germany, March 24, 1994.

The U.S. Proposal for Neutronics Experiments to Evaluate the Nuclear Performance of ITER Shield Design“, Working Group Technical Meeting in Support of ITER Neutronics R&D Tasks, Garching, Germany, March 23-25, 1994.

ITER Technology Testing Status and Requirements“, ISCUS Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, February 10, 1994.


Briefing on ITER Test Program“, ITER Workshop, Garching, Germany, December 13-17, 1993.

Beryllium Related Experimental and Modeling Activities at UCLA“, Be Workshop, December 10, 1993.

ITER Test Program Status and Issues“, ITER US Home Team Project Review Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 18, 1993.

Briefing on VNS Related Activities“, California Initiative Meeting, TRW Headquarters, October 6, 1993.

Briefing to Dr. Walter E. Massey“, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, September 17, 1993.

VNS: A Volumetric Neutron Source Fusion Facility to Test, Develop and Quantify Fusion Nuclear Technology Components and Material Combinations“, Briefing to the Office of Fusion Energy, Germantown, MD, September 10, 1993.

Overview of Needs and Requirements for VNS: A Volumetric Neutron Source Fusion Facility to Test, Develop and Quantify Fusion Nuclear Technology Components and Material Combinations“, Japanese Fusion Community, Tokyo, Japan, August 21, 1993.

Overview of JAERI/US Collaboration on Fusion Neutronics“, Japan/US Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Tokyo, Japan, August 20, 1993.

Role and Requirements for Volumetric Neutron Source (VNS): Briefing to Dr. M. Yoshikawa“, Tokyo, Japan, August 19, 1993.

General Remarks on Present US Activities on Fusion Neutronics“, US-Japanese Universities Workshop on Fusion Neutronics”, Tokyo, Japan, August 19, 1993.

Technical Issues for IFE Reactors“, IFE/ICF Workshop, US DOE, Germantown, MD, July 28, 1993.

Needs and Requirements for VNS: A Volumetric Neutron Source Fusion Facility to Test, Develop and Quantify Fusion Nuclear Technology Components and Material Combinations“, IEA Technical Workshop on Neutron Sources for Fusion, Moscow, Russia, July 12, 1993.

Summary of the Review Panel (July-December 1991) on ITER Plasma Facing Components“, ISCUS Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, June 29-July 1, 1993.

ICF Proposal“, presented to MDAC, Chicago , IL, May 14-15, 1993.

Initial Remarks on Venus“, Venus Meeting, Los Angeles , CA, May 11, 1993.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Modeling, Analysis and Experiments: Briefing to Robert Price and Robert Kratzke“, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, May 6, 1993.

UCLA FNT Program Participation in ITER“, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 22, 1993.

Why Neutronics R&D for ITER?“, UCLA, Los Angeles , CA, January 22, 1993.


Potential Value of a Dedicated Fusion Technology Test Facility“, Seminar on Russian Federation and United States Activities related to Volumetric Neutron Sources, La Jolla, CA, November 14, 1992.

UCLA Fusion Nuclear Technology: Briefing to Dr. Paul Henri Rebut“, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 6, 1992.


Progress Report on Study of Technical Issues and R&D for IFE“, IFE Design Review Meeting, St Louis, MI, December 11-12, 1991.

UCLA Effort on FNT“, presentation to Mr. Sam Berk and Dr. Robert Price, UCLA, Los Angeles , CA, November 7, 1991.

Solid Breeder Blanket Thermal Control and Thermomechanics Activities at UCLA“, presentation to Mr. Sam Berk and Dr. Price, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, November 7, 1991.

Tasks to be Accomplished Prior to Fusion DEMO“, FEAC Panel No. 1, TRW, Dallas, TX, November 18, 1991.

Evaluation Methodology for Comparing Laser and Heavy Ion PROMETHEUS“, IFE Project Meeting, TRW, November 18, 1991.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing Requirements and Possible Role in National and International Strategy Options“, ISCUS Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 15, 1991.

Media Library ‹ Fusion Science and Technology Center — WordPress“, DOE Review Meeting, Washington D.C., August 28, 1991.

ITER Technology Mission and Test Program“, ITER Review Committee, Austin, TX, February 13, 1991.

Adequacy of R&D and Incremental Cost/Risk/Benefit for ITER Driver Blanket“, ISCUS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 23-24, 1991.


Overview of ITER Test Program“, 9 Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Oak Brook, IL, October 7-11, 1990.

Remarks on Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials“, Direction of the Future of Fusion Technology Panel, Oakbrook, IL, October 8, 1990.

ITER: Test Programme”, 13 International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research“, Washington DC, October 1-6, 1990.

UCLA Fusion Technology Program“, Briefing to Dean Frank Wazzan, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, June 14, 1990.

Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials: Comparative Assessment of Europe, Japan, USA and USSR“, ITER Steering Committee, US (ISCUS) Meeting, Dallas, TX, June 19, 1990.

Comparative Assessment of the World Major Fusion Programs on Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials“, Seminar given at MIT, Boston, MA, April 1990.

ITER Nuclear Testing Requirements“, ISCUS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 20, 1990.

Introductory Remarks to ITER Testing Group Meeting: Review of Key Results and Homework from the July 1989 Testing Group Meeting“, ITER Test Program Workshop, Garching, Germany, February 19, 1990.

Comparative Assessment of Europe, Japan, USA and USSR: Fusion Nuclear Technology and Materials“, FESAC Workshop, McLean, Virginia, January 25, 1990.


Thermomechanical Problems in Fusion Reactor Blankets“, Nureth-4, October 10-13, 1989.

Summary of ITER Test Program Meeting and Workshop“, U.S. ITER Meeting, Garching, Germany, September 7, 1989.

“Tritium Inventory Analysis of the Solid Breeder under Steady-State and Pulsed Operation”, ITER Specialist’s Meeting on Blanket/Shield, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany, July 17-August 10, 1989.

Assessment of Japanese Fusion Program Nuclear Technology Materials Systems Studies“, FESAC Workshop, June 14, 1989.

Summary of the U.S. Activities on Fusion Neutronics“, U.S. Japan Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Osaka, Japan, May 24-26, 1989.

The U.S./JAERI Collaborative Program on Fusion Neutronics: Highlights“, May 1989.

Summary of Present Discussions on International Collaboration on Fusion Nuclear Technology“, Japan-USA Workshop on Near-Term R&D for Blankets, Tokyo, Japan, May 22, 1989.

Fusion Neutronics: USA Input to IEA Specialists Meeting“, Cadarache, France, April 11-13, 1989.

Solid Breeder Irradiation Experiments: USA Input to IEA Specialists Meeting“, Cadarache, France, April 11-13, 1989.


ITER Technology Phase“, Fusion Advisory Committee, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, December 7, 1988.

ITER Test Program: Status, Homework and Required Resources“, ITER Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 16, 1988.

Role of ITER and Testing Requirements on ITER Device“, ITER Workshop on Testing Program, Garching, Germany, July 1988.

Impact of Pulsed and Steady State Plasma Operation on Nuclear Testing in ITER“, ITER Workshop on Testing Program, Garching, Germany, July 1988.

Briefing on Present UCLA Fusion Nuclear Activities“, Karlsuhe, Germany, June 29, 1988.

He-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket Concept for ITER“, Karlsuhe, Germany, June 29, 1988.

Blanket Issues and Near Term R&D Needs and the Role of ITER in Blanket Development“, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 28, 1988.

Helium-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket for ITER“, ITER Specialists Meeting on Shield/Blanket/First Wall Design Concepts and Tritium Breeding Materials, Garching, Germany, June 14, 1988.

He-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket Design for ITER“, ITER Nuclear Group Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 15, 1988.

Test Program Activity“, ITER Meeting, PPPL, January 18, 1988.

Required Tritium Breeding Ration of ITER“, ITER Nuclear Group Meeting, Princeton, NJ, January 18-19, 1988.


UCLA FNT ITER-Related Effort in FY88“, UCLA, August 1987.

Recommendations on Neutron Fluence Goals for ITER“, ITER Engineering Users Group Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 31, 1987.

“US Activities in FNT Theory, Models, and Method Development”, US/USSR Exchange I.7: Topical Meeting on the Possibility for Joint Planning in the Area of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Efremov Institute, Leningrad, USSR, July 6-9, 1987.

US Approach to Planning of FNT Research an Strategy for Resolving Key Technical Issues“, US/USSR Exchange I.7: Topical Meeting on the Possibility for Joint Planning in the Area of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Efremov Institute, Leningrad, USSR, July 6-9, 1987.

US Solid Breeder Blanket and Neutronics Experiments and Facilities“, US/USSR Exchange I.7: Topical Meeting on the Possibility for Joint Planning in the Area of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Efremov Institute, Leningrad, USSR, July 6-9, 1987.

Technical Issues of Leading US Blanket and other FNT Component Design Concepts“, US/USSR Exchange I.7: Topical Meeting on the Possibility for Joint Planning in the Area of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Efremov Institute, Leningrad, USSR, July 6-9, 1987.

US Overview of JAERI-US Collaboration on Fusion Neutronics and Remarks on the Role of Neutronics in Next Fusion Device“, JAERI-USDOE Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Tokai, Japan, June 16-19, 1987.

“Impact of Pulsed and Steady State Plasma Operation on Nuclear Testing in TIBER/ITER“, ITER Nuclear Performance Analysis Group Meeting, ANL, May 27-28, 1987.

Steady State vs Pulsed Operation during the Nuclear Testing Phase of ITER“, ETOC Meeting, PPPL, May 18, 1987.

Briefing on UCLA Fusion Nuclear Technology Effort“, Washington DC, May 11, 1987.

Nuclear Testing Requirements for Fusion Engineering Testing Facility: Time-Related Parameters“, Bilateral US/Europe Exchange on Next Fusion Facility, LLNL, April 6-8, 1987.

US/Japan PCM Meeting,” Tokyo, Japan, March 17-18, 1987.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Issues, Status, and Strategy“, MFAC, Atlanta, GA, February 24, 1987.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing Requirements for ETR“, Bilateral US/Japan Exchange on Next Fusion Engineering Facility, LLNL, February 25, 1987.

Motivation for Steady State Operation as Design Basis for ETR“, ETOC Meeting, LLNL, February 12, 1987.


ETR: Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing Requirements and Engineering Scaling“, ETR Meeting Plenary Session, December 17, 1986.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Test Requirements and Engineering Scaling for ETR“, ETR Nuclear Performance Group Meeting, ANL, December 17, 1986.

Nuclear Technology Considerations for ETR“, ETR Workshop, Rockville, MD, July 16, 1986.

Overview of US Magnetic Fusion Technology Program“, Technical Committee and Workshop on Fusion Reactor Design and Technology, Yalta, USSR, May 26- June 6, 1986.

Finesse Nuclear Technology Testing Requirements” Technical Committee and Workshop on Fusion Reactor Design and Technology, Yalta, USSR, May 26- June 6, 1986.

Introductory Remarks“, Finesse Project Meeting, UCLA, May 15-16, 1986.

Summary of TPA Technology (Phase I and II)“, MFAC Panel XV, New York University, May 13, 1986.

Blanket Material and Engineering Issues and Requirements for Experiments and Facilities“, 2 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 1986.

Experience from Finesse on Costing and Blanket R&D“, TPA Steering Committee Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 10-11, 1986.

Interim Report on TPA Fusion Technology“, TPA Industrial Advisory Committee, La Jolla, CA, March 13, 1986.

U.S. Perspective on Blanket Technology Development“, 2 Meeting of the Technical Working Party of the Fusion Working Group, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 5-7, 1986.

TPA Technology Status“, presentation to OFE, Washington D.C., January 30, 1986.

TPA Technology Status“, TPA Industrial Advisory Committee, San Francisco, CA, January 15, 1986.


TPA Technology Status Report“, presentation to OFE, Washington D.C., December 19, 1985.

Finesse: Plan for FY 1985“, Finesse Executive Committee Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, December 13-14, 1984.

Introductory Remarks“, Finesse Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, November 25-26, 1985.

TPA Technology Status Report“, MFAC Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, November 20, 1985.

“Fusion Nuclear Technology Status and Future Needs”, EPRI Fusion Status and Forecast Workshop, La Jolla, CA, October 9-10, 1985.

Discussion Topics for the TPA Technology Steering Committee“, TPA Technology Steering Committee Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 4-6, 1985.

Overview of Thermomechanical Problems in Fusion Reactor Blankets“, 8th SMIRT International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, August 19-23, 1985.

Briefing on TPA Technology“, TPA Steering Committee Meeting, Boston, MA, August 15, 1985.

Status of Finesse (July 1985)“, Finesse Project (Advisory Committee) Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, July 31, 1985.

Thoughts on Structured Methodology for TPA Technology“, TPA Technology Steering Group Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, July 18-19, 1985.

TPA Fusion Technology“, presentation to General Atomics, La Jolla, CA, July 11, 1985.

Overview of Finesse: Experiments and Facilities for Fusion Nuclear Technology“, presentation to Japanese Fusion Experts, Tokyo, Japan, July 1, 1985.

Fusion Blanket Design Issues and Experiment Planning“, Japanese Atomic Society Research Committee on Design and Technology of Fusion Reactors, Tokyo, Japan, June 28, 1985.

Modeling and Analysis of DT Fuel Self-Sufficiency in Fusion Reactors“, US/Japan Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, JAERI, Japan, June 24-28, 1985.

Status of the US Effort on US/Japan Cooperation on Fusion Neutronics“, US/Japan Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, JAERI, Japan, June 24-28, 1985.

TPA Fusion Technology“, TPA Meeting, Annapolis, MD, June 17-19, 1985.

Technical Planning Activity for Fusion Technology“, TPA Steering Committee Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, June 4-5, 1985.

Fusion Technology Technical Planning Activity“, Briefing to Joint HHFMCD/PMI Task Groups Meeting, Washington, DC, May 21, 1985.

Opening Remarks“, Finesse Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, May 7-8, 1985.

Initial Thoughts on Technical Planning for Fusion Nuclear Technology“, TPA Kick-Off Meeting, Lake Geneva, WI, April 23-24, 1985.

Introductory Remarks on Workshop Scope & Procedure“, International Workshop on Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing and Facilities, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 10-13, 1985.

Finesse Overview“, International Workshop on Fusion Nuclear Technology Testing and Facilities, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 10-13, 1985.

Overview of Tritium Breeding Problems and Efforts“, 6th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, March 3-7, 1985.

“Fusion Nuclear Technology Issues and Experimental Facilities Needs”, Magnetic Fusion Advisory Committee, Washington DC, February 25, 1985.

Introductory Remarks for Finesse Project Meeting“, Finesse Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 13, 1985.

Blanket/Shield Engineering Limits based on Conventional Design Studies“, MFAC Panel X Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 30, 1985


Finesse: A Study of the Issues, Experiments and Facilities for Fusion Nuclear Technology R&D“, Finesse Workshop, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, November 7-8, 1984.

Role of Fusion Nuclear Technology in the Program Plan“, Symposium on New Directions in Magnetic Fusion, Washington D.C., October 3, 1984.

Finesse: A Study of the Issues, Phenomena and Experiments for Fusion Nuclear Technology“, Discussions with DOE, Washington, D.C., September 7, 1984.

Presentation to J. Bostock (OMB)“, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, August 23, 1984.

Finesse Overview“, Finesse Project Meeting, Jackson Hole, WY, August 13-24, 1984.

Tritium Breeding Requirements“, BCSS Project Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, August 1-2, 1984.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Development Needs and Strategy“, Seminar presented at University of Texas at Austin, July 24, 1984.

Fusion Engineering Development Scenarios: First Cut“, Finesse Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, July 12, 1984.

Fusion Technology Development Needs and Strategy“, Workshop on Fusion Technology Test Facilities, KFK, Karlsruhe, West Germany, May 29-30, 1984.

Overview, Tasks and Guidelines“, Finesse Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, May 15-16, 1984.

UCLA Effort Related to STARFIRE-II“, Workshop on Commercial Tokamak Reactor Studies, Atlanta, GA, May 3, 1984.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Issues and Development Needs“, Fusion Power Associates Meeting, LLNL, April 2, 1984.

Breeder Neutronics: U.S. Overview“, U.S.-Japan Fusion Neutronics Workshop, March 12-19, 1984.

Task I: Issues and Testing Needs“, FINESSE Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 27-28, 1984.

Overview/Introduction“, FINESSE Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 27-28, 1984.

High Heat Flux Technical Assessment“, HHFMCD Task Group Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 23-24, 1984

Fusion Nuclear Technology Development“, Briefing to Dr. Alvin Trivelpiece (Director, Office of Energy Research, DOE), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 10, 1984.

Remarks on Neutronics R&D Needs“, Neutronics Workshop, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 2-3, 1984

US-Japan Collaboration on Fusion Blanket Neutronics: Background, Scope and Objectives“, Neutronics Workshop, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 2-3, 1984.

Evaluating Figure of Merit for Tritium, Breeding Ratio“, BCSS Project Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 31-February 1, 1984.

Finesse: Overview/Scope/Approach“, Finesse Kick-Off Meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 10-11, 1984.


Briefing on Fusion Nuclear Technology Issues“, presented to Dr. John V. Dugan, Jr. (Staff Director, Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production, House Science and Technology Committee), Washington D.C., December 1, 1983.

Fusion Nuclear Technology Development Strategy“, Los Angeles, CA, November 1983.