Meeting 9 Presentations

Session I: APEX Progress (Session Chairman: S. Toda) Monday, Feb. 21
Toda Opening Remarks
Berk US-DOE Remarks
Morley Exploration of Liquid Walls
Session II: APEX Progress Continued (Session Chairmain: T. Kunugi) Monday Feb. 21
Sze Engineering Design of CliFF – Flibe and Divertor Integration and Flibe Chemistry
Session III: Progress on HPD in Japan (Session Chair: Clement Wong) Tuesday, Feb. 22
Hashizume and Toda (Chiba) Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Flibe Channel with Porous Media
Session IV: Progress on HPD in Japan Continued and Other Topics (Session Chair: Mohamed Abdou) Tuesday, Feb. 22
Sagara Present Status of LHD-type Reactor Design
Toda, Abdou, Wong Summary: Joint Discussion and Future Plans
Abdou/Wong Closing Remarks