APEX Meeting 23

April 7-11, 2003, Grand Canyon National Park
The 1st APEX Regular Meeting in 2003
Monday, April 7
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Session 1: APEX Opening Session   (S. Berk, Chair)
8:30 am – 8:35 am 1.1: Announcements Ulrickson (SNL)
8:35:00 am – 9:00 am 1.2: APEX Status/Direction
Status of Papers (Sawan) Abdou (UCLA)
9:00 am Session 2: Task A   (Kaita, Chair/Rognlien Co-Chair)
9:30 am Session 3: Tasks B and V   (T. Rognlien, Chair/Kotschenreuther, Co-Chair)
9:30 am – 10:00 am 3.1: Task B – Update on Task B Activities Kaita (PPPL)
10:00 am – 10:15 am Break
10:15 am – 10:45 am 3.2: Status of Task V on Plasma Stabilization Kotschenreuther (UT)
10:45 am Session 4: Task  I   (Ulrickson, Chair/Ying, Co-Chair)
10:45 am – 11:15 am 4.1: LIMITS Experiments Phase I Ulrickson (SNL)
11:15 am – 11:45 am 4.2: Progress on UCLA MTOR Film Flow Experiments for ALIST Ying (UCLA)
11:45 am – 12:15 pm 4.3: Discussion All
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Session 5: Task II   (Morley, Chair/Youssef, Co-Chair)
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm 5.1: Task II Overview Report Morley (UCLA)
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm 5.3: Status of Modeling Fusion MHD Problems with HiMAG Ni(UCLA)/Munipalli (HyperCom)
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm 5.4: Discussion All
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Break
3:00 pm Session 6: Task III   (Nygren, Chair/Sze, Co-Chair)
3:00 pm – 3:40 pm 6.1: Task III CLiFF Nuclear Systems Sze (UCSD)
3:40 pm – 4:00 pm 6.2: Divertor Integration Nygren (SNL)
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm 6.3: Discussion All
4:30 pm Session 7: Task IV   (Wong, Chair/Sviatoslavsky, Co-Chair)
4:30 pm – 4:40 pm 7.1: Task IV Overview including MCGC Wong (GA)
4:40 pm – 4:55 pm 7.2: MHD calculations on the FLiBe design Smolentsev (UCLA)
4:55 pm – 5:10 pm 7.3: Heat transfer Sawan for Mogahed (UW)
5:10 pm – 5:30 pm 7.5: Configuration, compatibility and fabrication Sviatoslavsky (UW)
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm 7.6: Discussion All
6:00 pm Adjourn
Tuesday, April 8 
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am – 10:00am Session 8 (Parallel): Tasks I, V, and B   (Ulrickson, Chair/Ying, Co-Chair)
8:30 am – 9:50 am 8.1: NSTX LSM Status 2003 Eberle (ORNL)
9:50 am – 9:10 am 8.2: MTOR Next Step Ying (UCLA)
9:10 am – 10:00 am 8.3: Presentations and Discussion from Task I, V, and B Task I, V, and B Participants
10:00 am – 10:05 am Break
8:30 am – 10:00 am Session 9 (Parallel): Tasks III, A, C, and D   (Sze, Chair/Nygren, Co-Chair)
8:40 am – 8:55 am 9.2: Current statues of heat transfer analysis Smolentsev (UCLA)
Sector Assembly (A movie) Fogerty/Eberle (ORNL)
9:20 am – 9:30 am 9.4: Tritium control and safety Merrill (INEEL)
9:30 am – 10:00 am 9.5: Discussion/Paper preparation All
10:00 am – 10:05 am Break
10:05 am – 10:25 am Special Overlapping sub-session 8-9: Task V and A (in Session 8 Room) (Ulrickson, Chair/Sze, Co-Chair)
10:25 am – 10:30 am Break
10:30 am – 12:30 pm Session 10 (Parallel): Tasks II, A, and B   (Morley, Chair/Kotschenreuther, Co-Chair)
11:00 am – 12:30 pm 10.2: Discussion of Task II papers and writing assignments Task II, A, and B participants
10:30 am – 12:30 pm Session 11 (Parallel): Tasks IV, C, and D   (Wong, Chair/Sawan, Co-Chair)
2:15 pm 11.1: Presentations from Task IV, C, and D Task IV, C, and D participants
12:30 pm 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 5:30 pm Session 12 General Session I   (Abdou, Chair)
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm 12.1: DOE Report Berk (DOE)
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm 12.2: Chamber Technology Future Plans All
5:30 pm Adjourn
7:00 pm-
9:00 pm Steering Committee
Wednesday, April 9  
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am-12:00 noon Session 14: General Session II (Abdou, Chair)
8:30 am – 9:00 am 14.1: Report from Parallel Session 8 Task Leader 1
9:00 am – 9:30 am 14.2: Report from Parallel Session 9 Task Leader 2
9:30 am – 10:00 am 14.3: Report from Parallel Session 10 Task Leader 3
10:00 am – 10:30 am 14.4: Report from Parallel Session 11 Task Leader 4
10:30 am – 12:00 noon 14.5: Programmatic Issues/Plans for FY04
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Session 15: ALPS Opening Session – APEX Meeting Continues
1:00 pm – 1:05 pm15.1: Opening Welcome
1:05 pm – 1:15 pm 15.2: DOE Report Berk (DOE)
1:15 pm – 1:25 pm 15.3: ALPS Status/Direction Brooks (ANL)
1:25 pm – 1:30 pm15.4: Announcements
1:30 pm Session 16: ALPS/APEX Overlapping Session – Plasma Edge and Plasma/Material Interaction Modeling Group; ALPS/APEX/ALIST PMI Modeling   (Brooks, Chair/Rognlien, Co-Chair)
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm 16.1: Overview: ALPS/APEX Plasma Edge & Plasma Material Interaction Modeling Group Brooks (ANL)
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm 16.2: Fluid Code Plasma Edge Modeling Status Rognlien (LLNL)
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm 16.3: DIII-D and NSTX Lithium Erosion/Redeposition Analysis Brooks (ANL)
2:45 pm – 3:05 pm 16.4: HEIGHTS analysis of ELMs & VDE surface response Hassanein (ANL)
2:05 pm – 3:20 pm 16.5: Break All
3:20 pm – 3:35 pm 16.6: Progress on Evaluation of Impact of Low Recycling Regime on NSTX discharges Maingi (ORNL)
3:35 pm – 3:50 pm 16.7: Mixed material transport & sputtering modeling Yacout (ANL)
3:50 pm – 4:10 pm 16.8: Molecular dynamics modeling of particle and molecule interaction with solid and liquid surfaces Allain (UIUC)
4:10 pm – 4:30 pm 16.9: Atomistic simulations of material erosion Bringa (LLNL)
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm 16.10: Discussion- Plasma edge/PMI issues All
5:00 pm Adjourn
Thursday, April 10 
1:30 pm Session 17: PMI Testing – 8:30 am-12:00 noon   ( Chair (Bastasz))
8:30 am – 8:50 am 17.1: Considerations of near term experiment on NSTX involving static lithium coatings Majeski (PPPL)
8:50 am – 9:20 am 17.2: Experiments and modeling of charged particle/free-surface flowing liquid interaction Ruzic(UIUC)
9:20 am – 9:40 am 17.3: Experiments and modeling of enhanced liquid-metal erosion Allain (UIUC)
9:40 am – 10:00 am 17.4: Studies of enhanced erosion in liquid metals Doerner (UCSD)
10:00 am – 10:15 am 17.5: Break All
10:15 am – 10:35 am 17.6: Measurements of surface composition and hydrogen adsorption on liquid metals Bob Bastasz (SNL)
10:35 am – 10:55 am 17.7: Modeling of He trapping by nanobubble generation in liquid metals Cowgill (SNL)
10:55 am – 11:15 am 17.8: H and He retention in liquid Li and Ga Luckhardt (UCSD)
11:15 am – 12:00 pm 17.9: Discussion- a) PMI Testing, b) Near-Term Major Experiment Possibilities All
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Session 18: Tokamak Experiments 1:00-3:00 pm   ( Chair (Wong))
1:00 pm – 1:20 pm 18.1: Status of the CDX-U experiment Majeski (PPPL)
1:20 pm – 1:40 pm 18.2: Li-DiMES experiments status Wong (GA)
1:40 pm – 2:00 pm 18.3: Preliminary 3D-MHD modeling efforts for new liquid lithium DiMES probe Morley (UCLA)
2:00 pm – 2:20 pm 18.4: DHD fueling and regime control in tokamak power reactors appropriate to the low-recycling, high edge temperature tokamak plasma Zakharov (PPPL)
2:20 pm – 3:00 pm 18.5: Discussion- a) Progress of ALPS/APEX overall MHD modeling efforts and options for speedup, b) Tokamak Experiments progress/options All
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm 18.6: Break All
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Session 19: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow – 3:30-5:00 pm   ( Chair (Nygren))
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm 19.1: Li flow experiments in LIMITS Tanaka (Sandia)
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm 19.2: LIMITS preparation and future plans Ulrickson (Sandia)
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm 19.3: ALPS Heat Transfer Plans Nygren (Sandia)
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm 19.4: Discussion-Heat transfer and fluid flow All
5:00 pm Adjourn
Thursday PM, ALPS Steering Committee Meeting (dinner meeting)
Friday, April 11
8:30 am – 10:15 am Session 20:ALIST – 8:30-10:15 am   ( Chair (Ulrickson))
8:30 am – 8:45 am 20.1: Introduction Ulrickson (SNL)
8:45 am – 9:00 am 20.2: Schedule and Deployment Issues for NSTX Liquid Surface Module Kaita (PPPL)
9:00 am – 9:30 am 20.3: Eddy Currents Induced in a Moving Conductor in NSTX Fields Ulrickson (SNL)
9:30 am – 10:15 am 20.4: Discussion of Scope for Delayed Deployment of Liquid Surfaces NSTX Liquid Surface Module All
10:15 am -10:30 am 20.4: Break All
10:30 am – 12:00 noon Session 21:ALPS/ALIST Discussions/Wrapup – 10:30 am-12:00 noon   ( )
12:00 noon Adjourn