APEX Meeting 19 (First Physical Meeting, 2002)

The next APEX Physical Meeting is scheduled for the week of April 15, 2002 following the ISFNT-6 conference.
The meeting will be held in San Diego area. Details will be announced soon. Drs. Dai-Kai Sze and Clement Wong will make local arrangement.
Preliminary Agenda
This meeting will be a joint ALPS/APEX meeting. Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to presentations on ALPS and APEX. Each day will start with broad overview introductory talks by project managers stating mission, objectives, etc. These are to be followed by presentations giving overviews of technical activities in the different tasks of the ALPS and APEX projects. On Wednesday and Thursday, task group meetings and meetings addressing specific areas or topics will be held in parallel. This time will allow also interaction with Japanese and other foreign colleagues. Using posters to make efficient use of time is encouraged. On Friday, a closing plenary session will be held where subgroup reports will be presented
Detailed agenda for the meeting is under development and will be sent out as soon as it is completed. (For questions regarding the agenda, please contact Dr. M. Youssef at youssef@fusion.ucla.edu)