Meeting 10 Presentations


APEX FY 2000 Tasks
Abdou (UCLA) Opening Remarks and Agenda (5 min)
Session I: Report on Task I Progress: (Explore Options and Issues for Implementing Flowing Liquid Wall in NSTX)
All Discussion (10 min)
Session II: Report on Task II Progress: (Exploration of High-Payoff Liquid Wall Concepts)
All Discussion (10 min)
Barleon’s presentation (From Task IV)
All Discussion (3 min)
Session III: Report on Task III Progress: (Practical Engineering Issues Associated with the Design of a Liquid Wall)
Break 12:08 noon
Re-start 12:30 pm
Session III: Cont’d
All Discussion (10 min)
Session IV: Report on Task IV Progress: (High-Temperature Refractory Solid Wall)
All Discussion (10 min)
Cross-Cutting Tasks
Session V: Report on Task A Progress: (Plasma-Liquid Surface Interactions and Plasma Edge Modelling)
All Discussion (3 min)
Session VI: Report on Task B Progress: (Liquid Wall-Bulk Plasma Interactions)
All Discussion (3 min)
Session VII: Report on Task C Progress: (Materials)
All Discussion (3 min)
Session VIII: Report on Task D Progress: (Safety and Environmental Analysis)
All Discussion (3 min)