Welcome to the Fusion Science and Technology Center
This website archives Professor Mohamed Abdou’s research. He has been the Director of the Fusion Science and Technology Center since 1998. The research is organized by his past presentations, publications, reports, conference-related documents, and research projects.
Please click on the top menu to access any of the following topics:
(You can also click directly on the hyperlink for each topic/subtopic below)
- ABOUT Brief Bio
- PRESENTATIONS on Fusion Science and Technology, and Energy
- PUBLICATIONS on Fusion Science and Technology, and Energy
- RESEARCH Projects and International Studies, and Workshops
- FNST (Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology)
- ITER-TBM (Test Blanket Module Project for ITER)
- APEX (Study to explore novel concepts for the plasma chamber technology carried out by a multi-disciplinary, multi-institution integrated team)
- Technical Reports
- Former Graduated Students
- Post-Doctoral Scholars and Visiting Scholars
- CONNECT to other Fusion and UCLA news and activities